Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Volunteering at the Cathedral

As usual its been ages since my last blog. My hours have soured at Starbucks and I'm currently working on two projects. Here I'm going to talk about the work I'm doing at the Cathedral.

The Cathedral has slots of time where artists and curators can hold exhibitions in some of their beautiful spaces. My dad is the Canon Treasurer at Wells Cathedral and put me in touch with one of the curators who is going to exhibit there in May. His name is Tom Bree and hes an extremely clever man who is currently working on a PHD in (as far as I can grasp) the connection between religion, numbers and religious art. His exhibition is called The Mystical Rose in the Month of May: An Art Exhibition about the Blessed Virgin Mary and number 5 (see first image) and it brings to your attention all those connections through paintings, iconic art, photography and the architecture of the Cathedral itself. 

The exhibition is being held at the Lady Chapel in the Cathedral which is in the shape of an opened pentagram (see second image) with the windows and other masonary decorations echoing the symbolism of the number 5. Five fold flowers like the rose on the poster (image 1) line the walls, and within nature you can see these patterns, relating to the golden ratio, which was famously explored by Leonardo Divinci.

Its great working with Tom, just for the challenge of understanding all the connections and ideas going on in his work! My main role is marketing, so I'm sending the word out on this blog to come see this fascinating exhibition!

I will blog again soon to talk about my other project!


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