Tuesday 2 March 2010

Settling In

I guess settling in isn't really the correct term for the current stage my work is at. I've developed and explored quite a few ideas mainly focussing on memories fading and building and how the process of printing and drawing can represent that. I came across a quote in a book called 'The Production of Space' by Henri Lefebvre and started to look at how time was marked in my old house by the possessions that filled it. This led to me exploring how we had stripped the house of it's identity and age by taking out all of our objects to be moved into the new house. With the new house I'm looking into aspects of displacement and being unfamilier with a space.

A consequence of looking at all this in my project has meant that I have found it quite hard to think about going home. Obviously I enjoy seeing my family, having a bigger house, having food made for me by my parents etc. However my instincts recently have been to stay where I feel settled. So I've been at uni for maybe 2.... possibly 3 months now and haven't actually spent more then 2 days in the new house. It's no wonder I don't see it as home yet!

It will be interesting to see how I feel about my project when I have lived at home for a month over Easter.

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