Friday, 20 November 2009

A Day In The Life Of.....

....A Photo.
The project I'm currently working on is quite sequence based, I mentioned earlier in my blog about Edward Lear and how I looked at him as a starting point, but I have moved onto the actual objects themselves. An artist called Sarah Sza said that she gives meaning to her objects through the context she makes for them (I'm afraid I dont have a direct quote of this) and I find myself understanding her the more I look at my objects. On their own they are just objects found in my home or a random charity shop, but I'm putting them in poems, along with other decorative objects which have also taken on meaning and they all link to each other.

Another thing I have found is that how I treat each object creates a massive link between them. Even without the poems and texts that include them, the processes I use to make them into art give my objects meaning and context.

So this is what I do with them:
Step One: Find/ buy them (obviously).
Step Two: Place them on a black sheet of paper (usually painted black) and photograph them.
Step Three: In photoshop I crop them down to become a square.
Step Four: I convert them to greyscale through split RGB channels.
Step Five: I adjust the brightness and contrast. 
Step Six: I add a scratchy looking boarder.
Step Seven: They all get printed out and cut down into shape on a guillotine.

And they are done! I will then tack them up with all the painted images onto my studio wall!

Posted via email from iamrosie's posterous

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