Monday, 23 November 2009

Some More Wallpapers!

Thanks to everyone on facebook who commented on my previous designs. The general feedback was that I needed to add a little more to them to perhaps make the individual motifs link together a bit more, so with my new designs I have tried to do this. In the first I used some of my sepia drawings to create a more interweaved design. The second is another black and white objects design, based on 'The Pobble Who Has No Toes' by Lear where I have made the motifs go diagonally across so it fills the page a bit more. The strength in the pattern going across diagonally is that it creates movement between the motifs, in contrast to the slightly sparse feeling the up and down patterns have.

Just to let you know, the sepia objects aren't following any Lear poems, I didn't really look at his texts when I did these photos and ink drawings, so for this design I just used my favourite images!

Posted via email from iamrosie's posterous

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Particularly like the bigger images on white - reminds me of muslin prints in early nineteenth century. I like the way that on one level the pattern is purely decorative; but on looking closer can pick out objects and details. Lovely stuff!
